The benefits of a gratitude practice…

Gratitude is so good for the energy of the soul, and has the power to uplift the weary spirit.

It is free and one of the most effective tools I know of that restores and maintains your health.

A dedicated daily practice of gratitude powerfully supports all aspects of your health.

When we feel better, we do better. We choose life! And, we choose more often to live in faith rather than fear when we are in a place of gratitude, no matter the circumstances.

“When we feel better, we do better.
We choose life!”

I’m curious….
do you have a gratitude practice?

If so, I’d love to hear about it!

If not, World Mental Health Day is a great day to start!

For me, I write in my journal a short list of the things I am grateful for at the end of the day.

I’m not perfect. Some days I get busy and I forget, but continuing to come back to this practice of daily gratitude as I review my day creates peace in my life.

I hope you have a blessed day, and invite you to choose gratitude, Not necessarily For all things, but IN all things.

With gratitude,
Ruth Renee

Psalm 100:4-5